Monday, October 26, 2009

They said ...

by Ingrid Prohaska

They said
“This is her last chance.”

And a day full of hope began
with a beautiful sunrise behind my mother’s bed;
and I said – I said – I said
“This must be a good day”

They brought her into a room;
There was no sun;
and I said – I said – I said
to her, “We’ll see each other soon”

I walked around,
the time went by, I asked for her;
And they said – they said – they said
“Stay calm, not all is alright.”

I walked around,
the time went by, I asked for her;
And they said – they said – they said
She has only a little chance.”

They sent me home,
they promised to phone,
because they said – they said
“She will die.”
and I said
“No, she won’t.”

Time went by
good days, bad days
and they said – they said – they always said
“She will die.”
and I said
“No, she won’t.”

One day I asked her
“Do you want to go?”
and I felt she said – she said
“No, I don’t.”

Time went by
bad days, worse days
And I just said
“Please stay with me!”
But then I felt she said – she said
“I want to go.”

The day came
when they phoned
and they said – they said – they said
“She’s dying now.”
And I said
“No, not today. Any day but not today.
Why should she take that step?
She couldn’t come back!”

And a ray of sunshine on that foggy day
reached my mother’s face.
And I said
holding her hand
and kissing her cheek
“We’ll see each other again.”

And they said – they said – they just said
“She’s dead.”
And I said,
“No, she is alive!”
And, dear God, I hear her
when she says – she says,
“Don’t cry for me dear child. I’m with you all the time.”

Copyright © 2008 Ingrid Prohaska



  1. Christine May TurnerMarch 17, 2010 at 4:34 PM

    Hello Ingrid, you have made many nice comments about my own poetry and other peoples but now i am going to leave a comment for you! i have just finished reading your poem, "They said" i can hardly see to write these words as you have moved me to tears, yes it was such a moveing, powerfulland sympathetic description this is what happened, your words made me cry, thankyou so much for shareing!x

  2. Oh my ... Christine, thank you so much for your comment. Well, my mother's death was the most important time in my life and I just wrote down here what happened. That you like it makes me proud and happy. It's great to be in touch with you. Have a great time, Ingrid
