Monday, October 26, 2009

They said ...

by Ingrid Prohaska

They said
“This is her last chance.”

And a day full of hope began
with a beautiful sunrise behind my mother’s bed;
and I said – I said – I said
“This must be a good day”

They brought her into a room;
There was no sun;
and I said – I said – I said
to her, “We’ll see each other soon”

I walked around,
the time went by, I asked for her;
And they said – they said – they said
“Stay calm, not all is alright.”

I walked around,
the time went by, I asked for her;
And they said – they said – they said
She has only a little chance.”

They sent me home,
they promised to phone,
because they said – they said
“She will die.”
and I said
“No, she won’t.”

Time went by
good days, bad days
and they said – they said – they always said
“She will die.”
and I said
“No, she won’t.”

One day I asked her
“Do you want to go?”
and I felt she said – she said
“No, I don’t.”

Time went by
bad days, worse days
And I just said
“Please stay with me!”
But then I felt she said – she said
“I want to go.”

The day came
when they phoned
and they said – they said – they said
“She’s dying now.”
And I said
“No, not today. Any day but not today.
Why should she take that step?
She couldn’t come back!”

And a ray of sunshine on that foggy day
reached my mother’s face.
And I said
holding her hand
and kissing her cheek
“We’ll see each other again.”

And they said – they said – they just said
“She’s dead.”
And I said,
“No, she is alive!”
And, dear God, I hear her
when she says – she says,
“Don’t cry for me dear child. I’m with you all the time.”

Copyright © 2008 Ingrid Prohaska


At the Cemetery's

A cemetery is a place where present, past and future meet each other.

(photo taken on the Central Cemetery in Vienna, October 2009)
Copyright © 2009 Ingrid Prohaska

Monday, October 12, 2009

Something about myself

Sometimes I have a lot of fun with myself.
And sometimes I think I should punish myself.
But then - I have to laugh ...